
Micro Mesh Polishing Pads

In the past, I always used #0000 grade steel wool to polish my frets. However, anyone who has ever used steel wool knows how messy it can be. Little fragments of steel break off and scatter all over the place. And since they're metal, they are magnetically attracted to your pickups. Simply put, steel wool makes fret polishing a hassle. And for someone with acidic hands like myself, frets need polishing quite frequently. I knew there had to be a better solution than steel wool.

A quick venture to Stewart-MacDonald's website solved the problem. It turns out that a certain company manufactures a product called Micro-Mesh, an abrasive material. Yet unlike sandpaper, this material is padded and doesn't wear down as quickly. Micro-Mesh is used to polish lenses, finishes, and even the windshields of jet aircraft. But most importantly to me, it can polish frets.

The kit from Stewart-MacDonald contains nine different grades of the material and costs around $10. So far, I've been extremely impressed. It polishes the frets just as well as (if not better than) steel wool without leaving the mess. However, I seem to be using only one of the pads, so next time, I'll see if I can just order one grade. Still though, I highly recommend Micro-Mesh for polishing frets.


Ryan Rhea said...

That is fantastic. I have a well worn micro mesh pad that came with a cleaning kit and I have been wanting to get a replacement. Nice to know I can get them at Stew Mac!

Which grade from the set do you prefer?


Wade said...

I find myself using the 8000 grade a lot. It seems to work the best for me, but I still haven't experimented with them enough.

anieb said...

Very nice product i would like to appreciate your above product, Polishing Pad have also the same!

Polishing Pad